Monday, January 6, 2014

A Room of One's Own

Wild Woman Archetype Altar
Until the June of 2012, I kept a small apartment in Stevens Point, Wisconsin.  It was a two bedroom apartment where I could have time for myself to read, write, chant, meditate and have gentle friends visit for dinner parties and esoteric salons.  It was the ultimate Woman's Room of One's Own.

As I move along this Journey of the Crone, I come to realize the importance of such a place.  When I do not have this place of centering sanctuary, I find that I come to be off-balance and my passion to be with myself becomes unruly, untamed and loses direction.

This year, I will create a room of my own in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  The studio space is close enough to home in the area of the famous Santa Fe Rail Yard.  This new studio space has several large windows giving my sewing space plenty of light.  In addition to a large work table, there is space for my books, fabric, a futon and writing.  This is the year of my true crone-self, walking into her fullest expression of her life.
Happy with my Bernina.
This photo is not at a Stevens Point location.


  1. that is a beautiful photo of you
    content and smiling
    best to you this year

    1. Hi Suz; Thank you for stopping to visit at my blog site. I'm trying to create a bit of a consistent blog. The photo is relatively old, but I'm with my sewing machine and I'm happy.

  2. I can totally relate to the Bernina smile.
